Thursday, 29 November 2012

Inked ....

A friend of mine asked me to design a tattoo for her, 
So I did,
And there it is,
On her skin ... Forever
Tattoo Artist kinda wimped out on thickness though

Oh well

Cool Story Bro?

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Its here ....

So there it is, my first print, ever. I had a few made, it's little story about a guy and his broken heart and saying sorry when it's too late ... better Late then never right? Right??? Its only a dinky little one but work on my next book has already begun. To begin with i was going to sell these for a couple of £££ with the profits going towards charity but then that felt a little like I was doing this ...

... So for now, Im making a plan, I hate selling my work. Not sure why. Just always have, I was recently offered money for a print of mine ... I just gave them the original. I think if I ever got paid for doing this sort of shit, it'd become a job and then it'll become a pressure. Sure that may be a bleak way of looking at it but I'd rather work a crappy job 40 hours a week to fund doing what I love with the rest of my week. I will keep posted on what happens, if anyone even reads this now I've gotten rid of Facebook from my life ... That is another blog for another day though. Love, peace and respect

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Ghosts ....

Its 5.30am, and like everyday for the last six weeks I've woken at 5.11am. You see I have a ghost, not a cool kind either. If I had a old woman that at the same time every morning shook her coin purse ... not a enthusiasm ... or some other fright educing action I could live with that. I would 6th Sense her ass, solve her eternal struggle and close my squinty small eyes and sleep. But alas, this is not one of those ghosts. This is a spiritual ghost bound to me, you see at this exact time a little over six weeks ago, I fucked up, and I saw someone leave my life and never return, I knew the exact time because what else could I do but stare into the abyss of time and nurse every dark and flailing thought I had.

So why wake me everyday? Working nights the last week I thought had solved it but it seems not, well I don't have answers. Perhaps if I wake myself everyday at the same time I can train my mind to travel to different days and I can find myself where I need to be to save myself like a 90's television sci-fi? Perhaps ... More likely, I'm not ready to move on, I know it but am to scared to admit because the scary truth is, where do we move on too? History has a habit of not staying in the past, she likes to repeat.

How many goodbyes do I need to say before the only thing I get to say is 'Hi, welcome back, take a seat, keep warm and let us never say goodbye'

Being that it is 5.46am now, I can probably sleep again, thanks internet for being the only person I know that will listen to me in the cold, cold hours. As long as I can afford my bills you'll be my lover

Some Hipster Shit ....

A new phone means new things to pass the time while I'm on my break at 2am in the Morning, so rather than update facebook and twitter I use Instagram to keep my thoughts physical before they disappear into nothingness. I know its a very hipster thing to do but I don't mind Hipster's, except when they are being hipsters ....

Friday, 9 November 2012

A little bit of me ...

Just a self portrait, based the image on a drawing in a X-men comic. Done in pencil then Ink. With a pinch of soul

Thursday, 8 November 2012

A little piece of Mel ....

Used Front magazine and Future Wife Model Mellisa Clarke as the basis for this idea, was told it'd be a good idea to tweet her it as she is lovely and may well appreciate it, which she did. Needless to say it made my day ... year ... life? No not life, that's a little extreme ... decade? Yeah Decade

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Breaking Ink ....

Walter White of Breaking Bad, Just another quick Ink, I'm finding my form as I literally used to hate using brushes, they always felt so detached from me, its seems detachment is what I need in my life right now. Who'd of funk it???