Thursday, 18 July 2013

And Where Have You Been Young Man???

It's been a while

Sorry about that ....

Had too much time with too many things none of which were illustrating but I'm back in action,
sort of,
I will be posting more as time moves on but I've moved again and had to sacrifice much to squeeze in.
That includes time.

I've joined the world of facebook, as no one seems to care about you whilst you're not in it. 
They'll steal my art, so let me steal your heart

Its fresh but I'm working on it as we speak

More work coming shortly


Monday, 11 March 2013

Posters like .....

I'm back, sort of, well I'll at least be able to update a little more often now so here, have some posters I made ... for shits and giggles

I'll have more soon ... It appears after over a month no internet my Laptop is on its last legs. 
Things. Can only get better. Can only get better. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Dirty Stop out .....

So I've been without Internet for two weeks and will be for three more weeks.
I'm penniless.
But still drawing, drawing, drawing
As my good friend Bilbo Baggins said

'It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life'

Be back soon

Smiley face
Wink face
Tongue out face

Monday, 28 January 2013

Monsters ....

Just some monsters I'm working on ...
I am still working on a new book but I started it when life was a little dark,
right now there is a lot of Light around so its hard to continue 
so I've decided to focus on something else 
and maybe combine the two? Maybe. 
But I'm just going to let them play out and hope for the best

Oh and for the love of Pete check out

It's my older brothers blog and this guys my god damn hero
so check it out or you aren't invited to my birthday party
Im having Ice Cream cake
You don't want to miss out on that

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

A horse of course ...

Of Course ... all I ever draw at the moment is things I'm trying to keep secretive 
or things I don't normally draw to expand my small style, this is the later. 
Another quick sketch for Instagram

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Geeking out ...

All I'm working on is my new book and I don't want to post images of that yet so here is Jon Snow ( Game of Thrones )and Luke Skywalker ( Star Wars ) in a little quick sketch I've titled

'Bastards Unite Beyond the Wall'

One day I might make an actual work out of this, the idea of them fighting side by side makes my pants happy

Friday, 11 January 2013

My first trilogy done ....

... well sort of ...

'The Sinking and the Scream'

'The Stalking and the Scream'

'The Seduction and the Scream'

Not sure how to frame them up together or whatever but once I Move early next month I'll be able to actually scan things and not use images from my Instagram account and more then this I hope it's the last time I'll need to draw haunting ghosts.

The future is bright, so bright I'll need to invest in some Ray-Bans 


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Sneak to the Peak ....

Who wants a blurry, dark sneak peak into my new book? You? You? No? 


Ok just unsee that image then and pretend I haven't been
working on my new work for weeks

I don't think we can be friends anymore ...

Friday, 4 January 2013

Upon Reflection ....

Upon reflection, I realised my last blogging action may of come of far more negative then I intended, 2012 wasn't that bad, I managed to find my way, take in how I'd done wrong and right, found and lost what I thought was a soul-mate, but without the finding of, I wouldn't be here today. I got my first little run print made ... not that it's seen the light of day yet.

I became an uncle

Beautiful right?

And for the first time in many years, I felt

And got a few tattoos along the way, with many more to come

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Fair Well Past Year ...

And there goes another year, For me it was a year full of sadness, loss and regrets but I feel like I have come out such a better person spiritually, intellectually and mentally. To quote one of my favourite Bands at the moment

Well this is easier now
I found all the pieces I lost in the flood
And it wasn't that much
And though it's easier now
I will always remember the night that I almost drowned
All alone in a house

And the love that I lost
With all of the shit that came out in the wash
Just a pocket of fluff
I'm not put upon
I am free of from disease, no greys, no liver-spots
Most of the misery's gone... gone, gone to the bone

'Frightened Rabbit'

But I know I'm still haunted and it seems to be my pen that mocks me but I can't control that so I just go with it. This little piece is titled 'Ribcage Revolution' It is in regards to a question I was posed on New Years Eve ... 'What did 2012 teach me?' ... I didn't really have an answer at that point but the morning after, I realized that my greatest lesson was the length that people will go to hide the Fact that they have become a little Lost ... We lie, We create persona's, We break hearts, We fall into darkness  ... because we are so scared to just tell the people, the one's we love, that we have Lost our way. Everybody gets lost. Its far too easy to become it. Especially in the age we live in. Some people will live it forever and my heart aches for them daily. I hope one day they can see that it's ok. Sometimes it takes years, but everyone will find there way ... I haven't yet but at least I know where I lost my way ...That's a start